


一方 カルテの書き加えや上書きなどで改ざんの可能性が指摘される、5年間の保存場所を必要とする、木材資源や筆記具の資源を消費するなどなどの欠点もあります。他にもあるでしょう。


This week, two patients told me that it was the first time they had ever been physically examined and touched by a doctor.Actually I have heard this same thing several times before.

When a doctor examines a patient, begins with a medical interview, a physical examination, some tests ,diagnosis and then a treatment plan. But this  physical examination is (intentionally) skipped.

Around 2000, medical institutions have switched from paper to digital medical records. As a result, doctors began to spend more time on computer input and less time on examining patients.

Incidentally, in many foreign countries, handshakes and hugs are common greetings, creating more understanding than words alone.

The handshake has its roots in the medieval knightly greeting, the act of acknowledging fellowship by indicating that the dominant hand is unarmed.

Returning to the main topic, of course, building trust between doctor and patient is fundamental, and this requires the doctor to touch the patient's body I think.

My father used to say, “Touching the patient is very important.”

Now I agree it.

In my clinic, we will continue to use paper charts for the time being and try to talk to and touch patients as much as possible.

On the other hand,

When a patient comes into the examination room and starts talking to me, I sometimes already start the physical examination before the patient finishes.

My impatience is also a problem.
